There Is No One Like Tilda Swinton

A true lady rock star to add to my appreciation of those who are style risk takers bringing excitement to the fashion world.  The British actress Tilda Swinton is strikingly beautiful and a fashion icon in my opinion with a true sense of self.  She has attitude and confidence to rock her sometimes severe masculine look but never looses her femininity.  Tilda challenges the norm through her unique style choices.  She knows what she likes and stays her course.  Just look how the clothes come to life on that tall lean frame.  But you notice Tilda first (true style!).  Her ability to change like a chameleon with her on-screen roles is remarkable.  Her unforced style is admirable.  Can we pause for a second to applaud Tilda’s ever-changing hair that is edgy, show stopping, and just out right cool?!  She is so flipping awesome in my book!!

(all images from Pinterest)

Another Cool Girl

Sarah Paulson

Sarah Paulson
Photographed by Zoey Grossman, Stylist by Leslie Fremar, Image from Elle

Let me just add another fierce female to my current list of cool girl crushes (check out my earlier post on Claire Foy).  Sarah Paulson in this month’s November issue of Elle nails the relationship between chic, feminine, and edge.  There is a rawness about Sarah.  She effortlessly exudes confidence in her own skin only to be highlighted by the fashion.  The sexy yet modern ladylike black laced gown by Dior is accentuated by the leather belt but then off set by the handful of chunky jewelry and deep burgundy nail polish. This reveals Sarah’s unconventional style.  It is unexpected and I admire it.  Also, lets not overlook how she rocks neck tats and short hair.  My short hair lady friends are definitely making power statements. Badass and stunning!

The article is a good read.  Sarah simply talks about her life and the challenges she faces.  But you quickly understand that she is trying to live an authentic life as difficult as it may be in the Hollywood spotlight.  She touches upon her relationship with Holland Taylor.  You can’t help but simply appreciate Sarah Paulson.  She is making her own story in Hollywood and standing behind it.

I will be watching Ocean’s 8 over the weekend and I look forward to her upcoming Netflix show hitting in December, Birdbox.