

Delicate, soft, comfortable, no rubbing, no hooks, no fuss, no itchy material, and sexy!  You just might not take it off.  A new bra is on the market and is making a fashionable entrance into women’s lingerie drawers.  At the moment, it only comes in black and white (perfect) but nude is on the way.  Vogue has tagged this with “This Might Be The Most Comfortable Bra You Will Ever Wear!”  I am listening and I am ordering.  Did I also mention these lovely bras are $44.00?!  They are designed in DC and made in the USA.


image from underbares

Mother’s Day

Funny how slowing down gives you time to reflect and can make you question everything but also appreciate the obvious especially with Mother’s Day here.

My mother is my inspiration.  She is my dear friend and someone I admire.  My mom is truly happy with everything.  She takes each day as it comes to her and she never complains.  She takes nothing for granted and holds on to her family and friends like gold.  She is kindhearted by nature and truly a gift.  I look at my mother for who she is.  I never want her to be someone else.  She is stunning and when I look at her face it tells me a story .  A story that I am part of.  Each wrinkle represents something.  Gosh she has raised two children and it wasn’t easy.  So her beautiful face comes with a lifetime of experiences.  My mom has wrinkles of love that reflect the worries and the laughter from her children and sweet grandchildren.  She has a face of a warrior who has beaten cancer twice.  She has a face that loves her husband more than anything (well at times he is competing with Bentley, their dog).  She has spent too much time in the sun without a sun hat or sunscreen.  My point is that I never look at her and wish she would perfect herself because there is nothing to perfect.  I cherish her story with absolute acceptance.  I hope that my son will always look at me the same way and always see our never ending journey together.

Mother's Day

This is personal but I know I am not alone.  I have conversations all the time with friends about aging and about not trying to fight it but at the same time how to feel our best and not feel so consumed by it.  For the time being, I am taking the path of what I value and appreciate about myself.  I will hunt for ways to help me along the way.  Maybe there is a magic cream that can just ease and slow down the aging process.  If anyone finds the magic cocktail, please share it with me.

I wish I had been more diligent in my youthful days about the sun.  Truth be told I do love to be a bit sun-kissed!  But I am setting goals for myself and those are what I am chasing.  How do we find the right amount of balance for ourselves? How much are willing to intervene with what is a natural process when it comes to aging?  I am not really sure but there has to be something in the middle that can keep us aging gracefully in a time where there is a fix for everything.  I mean getting old and aging is inevitable. Maybe just changing our focus and looking through a different lens can be more powerful than we think? What do you think?

Mother's Day
Stripes and Smiles!

I write this on Mother’s Day because it seems appropriate.  I wish for all woman to fully embrace themselves and to travel the path that is best for you not the expectation that society has set.  Let’s take care of ourselves and support one another. Share stories and find ways to celebrate each other.  Happy Mother’s Day and cheers to all the woman and moms who inspire us.  Please share how you maintain your healthy glow!  xo

Little Friendships

Aleisi on the left & Hashim on the right. The smiles say it all!

One of the best gifts in life is friendship.  These two boys pictured above have been friends since birth and have the Atlantic Ocean that separates them.  A friendship that doesn’t skip a beat. They have a true connection and time apart doesn’t change a thing.  We were truly given a special Christmas gift this year.  Aleisi’s friend, Hashim came for a three week visit.

Hashim is eleven and traveled alone from Amsterdam to be reunited with his mate, my son, Aleisi.  The laughter, banter, creativity, and adventures were endless.  They chatted till the wee hours and slept in like high school boys.  Two boys just being true to themselves.  Lego creations were literally out of this world.  Xbox playing was loud and explosive.  Sneaking peppermint bark for breakfast was the norm. Star Wars movie marathon was a must and lots of Red Hot Chili Peppers became the soundtrack.

Saying goodbye can be bittersweet and can hurt your heart like nothing else!  How can this be?  A true friendship without rules, all accepting and full of laughs is hard to not have in your everyday life.  But the gift of creating memories that one can look back at and smile is all worth that moment of sadness when you have to say “till we meet again”.  As you may have read from an early post from me, I can truly relate to this feeling when a dear friend whisks in for a visit and departs in the blink of an eye.  Donna is also from Amsterdam.  What is in the Dutch water or is it all the milk they drink?  They know the meaning of friendship! It has been a couple of weeks since Hashim’s departure but the warm thoughts are still going strong.  xo


Fitness, My Take


Dressed like a ninja!

I feel like a superhero, a ninja mama, a bad ass; all at the same time.  Where to start?  What is the motivator?

Luckily for me, two years ago my chiropractor punted me to Beth Zeitlin, a personal trainer.  Beth immediately rocked my world and I have never looked back.  I am happy to say she has become my friend and someone I admire.  Since our time together, my view on fitness has evolved and I love the new direction it is going.  I have balance, confidence, and appreciation.  Beth has knowledge, experience, and she inspires me to challenge myself.  Most importantly, I connect with her approach.  We also have plenty of laughs along the way.

My focus on physical strength in the gym has taken a true commitment on my part.  It was the right time and right person in my case.  The focus and goals are simple with efficient workouts.  If I am going to sacrifice a bit of my day I want it to be challenging, rewarding, and a whole lot of fun.  It is elective but a priority.  My sessions range from TRX, pull ups, monkey bars to planking like a mofo except when my shoulder acts up.  I never really know till I get in there.  Beth challenges me with what I think is the unthinkable.

I am my own super hero.  I am running around with my son and never not feeling capable.  I want to be a role model for Aleisi and model the behavior I preach to him.  I want to keep my body moving and practice a healthy lifestyle.  This is what I can control.  These are my motivating goals.  It is a piece to my puzzle.  I work out twice a week and I love every minute of it!  My workouts are a total outlet for me especially when my world is spinning or one of those total shit show mornings decides to grace me.  But a few pull ups later and it is all in the rear view mirror!  Sometimes I just need to get out of my own way.  I am hoping over time to share more about my time with Beth.  Perhaps some guest posts from the true bad ass herself!  That would be amazing!!  xo

Goal:  To be healthy, treat my body kindly, not take it for granted, and never stop moving.  I have to be my own motivator!

Feeling Like A Bad Ass

Jumping into Friday

I own you Friday!  I can say ninja mama showed up to play today.  Big jump literally with my workout.  A total leg day since my damn shoulder is acting up.  Single leg squats and 50 box jumps ruled the hour. It was fun, rewarding and I am damn proud it.  Sometimes you have to recognize the hard work and consistency that you put into something.  I feel strong today and I am taking full advantage of the opportunity. Bonus, it is only 11 am!  Maybe my new  Nike  Pro Sparkle tights really do come with the “Just Do It” attitude.  Coffee time!!

Goal: To land like a ninja!

Snowy Weekend

A bit of pop for the black

Funny how a snowstorm can stop you in your tracks.  Over the weekend much of the East coast was recovering from a massive snowstorm followed by ridiculously chilly temperatures.  The city of Boston and surrounding areas came to a halt and schools were canceled after just coming off the holiday break.  Parents very much welcoming the reunion with routine.

Mother nature had a different agenda.  What came from this was sort of magical.  A flashback to my childhood.  I remember winters filled with snow days.  Days that kept me outside like it or not playing in the snow, pond skating, making snow angels and building snow forts.  My brother and I had the rosy cheeks, frozen toes, and dressed like Ralphie’s little brother in  A Christmas Story.  All to be followed by Nestle hot chocolate with all the good stuff.

This weekend my son, Aleisi, and his visiting buddy, Hashim, relished in winning the lottery of a school cancellation for two consecutive snow days.  They played outdoors for endless hours despite the frigid temps.  It took no convincing.  They were drawn to the fluffy, white, fresh snowfall that came to cover their knees.  They shoveled sidewalks for cold hard cash, built snow forts, and enjoyed snowball fights.  It was so fun to watch from the window.  Kids being kids and enjoying the magic of a snowstorm and the bonus of an extra long weekend.  Hot cocoa was enjoyed throughout the weekend and we even took in some ice skating.  That was unexpected fun!  Many laughs at myself (and I admit at others) but in the best ways!  It has been some time since lacing up skates and pretending to be Dorothy Hamill.  Still working on that:)  I relived my childhood though the eyes of a ten and an eleven year old but from the comfort of inside while sipping hot coffee.  It was fun to slow down and embrace the weather.  But now I would love the snow to melt.  We have things to do!  xo


The New Year

The New Year is here!  As a tradition, we spend the holiday break in Vermont.  My boys (husband and son) ski their days away while I spend my days reading, browsing Flipboard, and enjoying some non-skiing activity.  Most often, this is snowshoeing with a sweet friend around the mountain.  This I Love!  Layer up, grab the dogs, and off we go.  We plan our evenings alternating between dining in while sitting around a fireplace or popping out to a restaurant.  New Year’s eve is gathering with friends for an apres ski and pre-firework fun sipping wine and eating bits of savory snacks.  All to be followed by a lovely dinner with friends at their home.  This has been the magic for eight years running.  A tradition that we love.  Celebrating with friends on the mountain is a much cherished way to ring in our new year.  This year I will embarrassingly admit was a struggle for me to keep my eyes open until the ball dropped in NYC.  I’m blaming it on a not so entertaining program this year, no drama, lots of advertising and no more Evil Knievel motorcycle jumping in Las Vegas to watch! I almost turned into a pumpkin. Cheers to a fantastic 2018 full of love, adventure, and maybe a bit more sleep!  xo

Rang in 2018 with Hashim!