Sabah Style

Love them! Add these Turkish slippers to your summer wardrobe. The perfect everyday slides. Simplicity! No breaking in required. I was lucky enough to check them out in person when they recently traveled through Boston. Sabahs come in two styles: Sabah (leather loafer) or Baba (slip-on). I tried both. Babas in the cognac color easily compliment any style. A neutral tone that will only get better with time. Favorites for years to come. Ones that have earned a space in my suitcase for this summer’s travels.

Sabahs are handmade shoes crafted by a family team in southeast Turkey based on a traditional shoemaking method. A perfect partnership created by Mickey Ashmore who lives in NYC. They come in a variety of beautiful colors. Order online or follow their insta feed for pop up shops near you. Sabah

Skirting In Stripes

Swapping out the denim lately for skirts and dresses. Adding more color and prints. Wearing my closet! A spring purchase and turns out to be my best purchase from Tory Sport. A tech knit skirt that does not wrinkle, holds its shape, and is the most flattering skirt I own! Hands down my favorite skirt! It feels sporty, feminine, and comfortable. It is one of those pieces that will go the distance. Colors are fab. A piece that I can work for many different occasions. I kept it simple with the basic tee but adding another stripe on top would make it more playful and interesting. Paired with a basic tee from Everlane, old Céline bag with the old logo that remains to be a favorite for all occasions, classic Vaurnet sunglasses, and my everyday Suicoke’s slide sandals that I found in the men’s section. Old sailor knot braided bracelets found at an outdoor market in Florida. I think I paid two for $20 and wear them all summer long!

A Salad For Your Next Picnic

Inspiration for your next picnic. A big beautiful salad that requires little prep and a couple of mason jars. Hit your local farm stand for some summer freshness and you are half way there.

Mason jar #1: layer with fresh summer corn (cook it then cut it off the cob), black beans, diced cucumbers, farm fresh heirloom tomatoes, and diced avocado (swap in or out what you like)

Mason jar #2: shredded roasted chicken (grilled shrimp also works well)

Additional mason jars: fill with fresh slices of pineapples, local strawberries, or other summertime favorites. Yes, the jars add some weight to the cooler but you can reuse the jars (save a tree and use less plastic).

Pack a small container of your favorite dressing along with small container of feta. The avocado and feta combo really makes this salad creamy and super tasty. Don’t forget a large bowl and wooden serving utensils to prepare your salad. Serve salad in large cups like a solo cup with forks. So much easier to eat!

Tips to save time:

Buy a roasted chicken then shred it yourself. Pre-washed greens of any kind makes this a fast and easy salad. Honestly you don’t even need greens if you want to pass totally up on them. Perhaps toss in some fresh herbs instead.


Surf Clinic With Gal Pals

A day at the beach with a group of women that all said yes to joining a surf clinic. Experiences are gifts. Bad or good, they shape you, challenge you, and teach you something about yourself. I am an over thinker (totally reaffirmed during the surf clinic). Sometimes we create reasons and obstacles that prevent us from participating in something that may test ourselves. When you have the support of friends, all those reasons tend to fade away.

This surf clinic was a first for all us. We laughed, used our bodies, and survived to talk about it. Yeah, we are all over 40 but does that really matter?! Age shouldn’t prevent you from having fun. Perhaps a little soar the next day. Which I think is a positive side effect.

Love these women for jumping on board. We finished the clinic feeling stronger and more confident although tired. We are no worse for the wear. New friendships have been formed while some have reconnected. Check out all the beautiful smiles!

Living Water Surf is located in Little Compton, Rhode Island. They offer private lessons, clinics, and camps for kids. Lessons are taught on South Shore Beach. Arrive before 8am to park for free.

Good friendships motivate and encourage you to try something new. Happy Summer!

Weekends Ahead

After a busy end to 2018, my body just wants to recharge. With this, I plan on taking full advantage of weekends. So no more making lists of things to get done but rather a list of interests. More quiet time even if the window is small. More experiences and learning new skills is my 2019! I am kicking off with the following:

Ansel Adams deserves a second visit. My first visit to see the exhibit at the MFA reminded me of the importance of getting outside everyday to connect with nature. Fresh air does the body and mind good. His photography is amazing. The world through his lens grips you.

More films! Roma, a beautiful film about a young Mexican worker’s journey during the 70’s is on the top of my must see list. The list just got longer after watching the Golden Globes. So many beautiful movies to enjoy.

In my future is the William Forsythe’s installation at the ICA. An interactive exhibit about movement and much more.

Basket making will be the new form of meditation for me. I am hoping for a new summer bag to swing (Jane Birkin inspired). New skill on the horizon that will be a relaxing (hoping this is the case) activity for cold days.

Ballet inspired workouts because dancers are the ultimate athletes (and my body is craving the impossible)! Flexibility and strength are a personal goal of mine. A new way to challenge my workouts and hone in on my weaknesses.

This list of interests will keep evolving. This is an achievable start. I hope this inspires you to make time to have some fun as well as shelve that to-do list for another day. FYI the list never goes away and those windows of free time do! xo