Experience Copenhagen

Copenhagen is seriously a cool city!  I am envious of those that have it easily accessible.  We hit the streets running and I can share with you that design in every sense just lives and breathes in this city!


SKT. PETRI Hotel is centrally located and a five-minute walk from the metro.  It has a lovely lobby filled with natural light, green plants, and plenty of large lounge areas to sip a drink.  The restaurant looked nice but we didn’t try it due to all the options outside the hotel. Limited time means hit the streets and explore.  Walk out the revolving door and the city is awaiting.

Green this season, I am digging it!
Natural light fills the space
Bedroom view
City wheels


Coffee is my thing.  You could say an addiction.  Democratic Coffee is a lovely spot to pop into anytime of day.  It is conveniently located next to SKT. PETRI.  Democratic Coffee serves one of the best almond croissants (damn good) in Copenhagen and pours a delicious, smooth roasted coffee.  It is located in the newly renovated Hovedbibliotek.

Democratic Coffee
One of many
Democratic Coffee, Copenhagen
Best library cafe that I have been to
Democratic Coffee
Flat white + almond croissant = winning combination


Copenhagen is a playful city that draws you in immediately.  It has stunning architecture, cobbled streets, canals, colorful buildings, a royal castle, green space, and museums. Really what else could you ask for?!  The city is filled with the Scandinavian aesthetic that I love (and the reason Copenhagen has been on my list). So much to offer with culture, shops, restaurants, and city activities.  I did not even scratch the surface!

Early day before the crowds, lovely! (check out the brick work )
The Palace
Candy colored background and bikes (I love peddling as being the main mode Of transportation)
Color, Color, Color!
Life in motion
City Life
This gentleman is picture perfect!
Everything looks so natural
If there is something blue, I will spot it


Paludan Bog & Cafe is a vibrant bookstore/cafe that has set the bar high for delivering a vibrant and cozy eatery serving from morning till late evening.  One will be hard press to walk right in and sit down but it is worth the short wait.  The restaurant offers tasty food and a lengthy beverage list.  The environment is welcoming and the prices are reasonable.  It is the perfect marriage of academia and a neighborhood hot spot in the heart of the city.

Drinks and Dinner:

Illum is one of Copenhagen’s best rooftop hot spots offering multiple restaurants, bars, and stunning views of the city.  Live music, a bottle of red wine and large basket of fries was how we girls enjoyed it!