The Reality Of All Those Returns

At times I am guilty of ordering and returning like a revolving door.  Boxes come in and boxes go out.  I sit comfortably on my iPhone or iPad to scour sites that make ordering, returning, and free shipping not just compelling but effortless.  Especially with a growing child that has zero interest in shopping.  Online shopping is painless for he and I.  It allows me to order multiple sizes since every brand runs differently.  The inconsistency of sizing is a real challenge.  Delivery to the front door 24 hours later with free returns makes it appealing.  So how do you break this habit?

Something has to change.  When you start reading about the harmful effects caused by the fashion industry you just can not ignore the facts.  After reading an article forwarded to me, I am rethinking my shopping habits.  BBC has revealed what happens to a large percentage of those online returns.  For the most part, they end up in landfills.  But it is not just the returns.  It is the whole process of the garment industry.  Time to make some changes. 

My online ordering is going to take on more discipline.  Practicing being selective with my purchases.  Choosing to support more transparent companies.  It is difficult when it comes to shopping for children.  But thanks to a friend who shared with me Gap Inc.’s commitment to environmental goals through their Gap For Good has me revisiting Gap as a resource for the whole family.  Plus they always have a promo!

Here is the eye-opening article, Your brand new returns end up in landfill from the BBC.  Awareness, action, and even the smallest steps can make a difference.   (images from BBC and Getty)