ace & jig: Community Quilt Raffle

How I love ace & jig. Community is always front and center. They have been working on another community quilt project. What a wonderful and creative way to show community support as well as resourceful with their left over fabric.

ace & jig are raffling 5 of their community quilts with donations going to the following organizations: Black Lives Matter, Movement for Black Lives, Marsha P. Johnson Institute, Loveland Foundation, and Color of Change.

Here is a little background about each quilt: one-of-a-kind ace&jig community quilt. each of the 36 squares of this quilt were made lovingly from leftover ace&jig textile scraps by a different volunteer from our community, as part of our commitment to reducing textile waste. 

you will receive 1 raffle ticket for every $10 donation. Runs through June 22nd. Please check out ace & jig for more information and to learn about their quilting history.