Step Outside

Fall just might be the most motivating season of the year to explore nature. Summer is without a doubt fun and welcoming after a long winter. But fall in New England makes stepping into mother nature’s beauty, simply irresistible. The temperature is crisp and cool. The colors get prettier and prettier. Not to mention for the most part, bug free. Getting outside cures all. So healthy for the mind and body. Don’t let another day sneak by without breathing in a bit of freshness.

Traded in the usual urban walk for a more technical trail hike in Vermont. Nothing like using all of your body for a rocky terrain that required more focus and more body awareness. There was some bum sliding as well as some leaping and laughter. Griffy led the pack with unbelievable grace and confidence. Getting outside is the best medicine. This weekend already has me planning the next outing. Nothing like an outdoor exercise that doesn’t feel like you are checking off the box.

Yes, I am sporting a child’s backpack! I am currently lacking a few hiking essentials. This city hiker is getting some great recommendations from a seasoned girlfriend. Stay tuned for a future post with a few basics to get you by for your next adventure.

Here is another one for your playlist. I am currently listening to this:

Listening To Greta Van Fleet

(image from Rolling Stone)

Seventies throw back with You’re The One. You can draw your own conclusion about the Michigan rock band, Greta Van Fleet. So many opinions about this young band and their comparisons to Robert Plant and Led Zeppelin. Perhaps you will love the hippie style of this band especially the frontman, Josh Kiszka. As seen on SNL being introduced by Rachel Brosnahan aka Midge from the very hilarious, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Another one to add to the road trip playlist. FYI, they will be playing this summer at the Boston Calling Music Festival. Greta Van FleetĀ 

Kurt Vile For Your Playlist

Happy Monday! Road trips require great tunes to pass the time. Check out Indie Rock artist, Kurt Vile. He was the former lead guitarist for War On Drugs. His newish album, Bottle It In is the real deal and draws you in with the lyrics and the beat. Good vibes all the way. A good friend has claimed Bottle It In to be the best album of the year for 2018. I think he is spot. Listen, download, and find time to kick back for this one! images and clips from Kurt Vile

I just discovered a great podcast sharing emerging artists. Here is an interview with Kurt Vile on NPR’s World Cafe