The Workout Uniform

Keep it simple. Keep it focused on the movement. Dress to get the job done with no fussing. I am Lululemon fan. Especially now with the Align line up. Everything lasts! Wash in cold water and hang dry for longevity. Dressing like a ninja mama in all black seems to work for me. Get moving in what makes you feel good. These pieces work for me.

Tank, bra, leggings from lululemon, Bandana and water bottle from REI, Sneakers from adidas by Stella McCartney

Fitness Inspiration image from Well + Good via Pinterest

Fitness, My Take


Dressed like a ninja!

I feel like a superhero, a ninja mama, a bad ass; all at the same time.  Where to start?  What is the motivator?

Luckily for me, two years ago my chiropractor punted me to Beth Zeitlin, a personal trainer.  Beth immediately rocked my world and I have never looked back.  I am happy to say she has become my friend and someone I admire.  Since our time together, my view on fitness has evolved and I love the new direction it is going.  I have balance, confidence, and appreciation.  Beth has knowledge, experience, and she inspires me to challenge myself.  Most importantly, I connect with her approach.  We also have plenty of laughs along the way.

My focus on physical strength in the gym has taken a true commitment on my part.  It was the right time and right person in my case.  The focus and goals are simple with efficient workouts.  If I am going to sacrifice a bit of my day I want it to be challenging, rewarding, and a whole lot of fun.  It is elective but a priority.  My sessions range from TRX, pull ups, monkey bars to planking like a mofo except when my shoulder acts up.  I never really know till I get in there.  Beth challenges me with what I think is the unthinkable.

I am my own super hero.  I am running around with my son and never not feeling capable.  I want to be a role model for Aleisi and model the behavior I preach to him.  I want to keep my body moving and practice a healthy lifestyle.  This is what I can control.  These are my motivating goals.  It is a piece to my puzzle.  I work out twice a week and I love every minute of it!  My workouts are a total outlet for me especially when my world is spinning or one of those total shit show mornings decides to grace me.  But a few pull ups later and it is all in the rear view mirror!  Sometimes I just need to get out of my own way.  I am hoping over time to share more about my time with Beth.  Perhaps some guest posts from the true bad ass herself!  That would be amazing!!  xo

Goal:  To be healthy, treat my body kindly, not take it for granted, and never stop moving.  I have to be my own motivator!

Healthy Fridays


Gym Bag
Let’s go!

Mother Juice lunch date

Almond Love Smoothie Time
Almond Love tastes so much better when made by someone else!

I love my Fridays.  I get to kick-start the day my way!  Weekends can be really busy.  So carving out a window is a priority for me.  Getting after it in the gym for an hour is rewarding and a gift to myself.  Well and to my family.  I’m just happier what else can I say.

I have added a new post workout reward to the mix if time allows.  Today I stopped by Mother Juice.  I’m a fan!   It feels cold as f..k outside(no sun:( so I was waffling between something cold or something hot.  I know it sounds ridiculous.  I went for both!  I ordered my usual favorite Almond Love smoothie .  Which I swap out strawberries for blueberries.  I’m a pain in the arse and I know it!  I also grabbed myself lunch.  I’m a sucker for coconut so the carrot coconut soup made it an easy choice along with the grab and go kale caesar salad.  TGIF!

Feeling Like A Bad Ass

Jumping into Friday

I own you Friday!  I can say ninja mama showed up to play today.  Big jump literally with my workout.  A total leg day since my damn shoulder is acting up.  Single leg squats and 50 box jumps ruled the hour. It was fun, rewarding and I am damn proud it.  Sometimes you have to recognize the hard work and consistency that you put into something.  I feel strong today and I am taking full advantage of the opportunity. Bonus, it is only 11 am!  Maybe my new  Nike  Pro Sparkle tights really do come with the “Just Do It” attitude.  Coffee time!!

Goal: To land like a ninja!

Getting It Done

Bad Ass Friday! I’m committed and I’m getting after it today!  I have just returned and I’m drinking my post celebratory cup of coffee.  No better reward at the moment besides the feeling of strength.  The superhero in me rose to the occasion.  Here it is folks!

The Bar!
Love? Hate? It’s love! I want one for home!

The players: 3 boxes, 1 mat and a pull up bar


Kicks did the trick

Happy Superhero
Let’s get out of here!

I’m committed. It’s for the long run.  Staying healthy is the goal. xo