Closet Refresh

Every winter a closet overhaul is a necessary task.  It is a time to reevaluate, purge, and shift clothes to make dressing easier.  Otherwise, it is too easy to wear the same favorites on repeat and neglect at least 90% of everything else you own.  You have way more options than you think.  I have figured out a pretty efficient system which is simply removing everything from the closet.  You need to start with a blank slate.  Clear a day!  It is an eye opening experience.  You must be willing to try things on then make honest decisions to keep, repair, or donate.  It is important that the clothes fit you well otherwise no sense giving up valuable space.  Declutter your life.  Keep what you love.  Know what you own.  The closet reorg gives everything a home.  It is also a way to take care of your clothes.  They will last longer.

You will enjoy a well-organized closet.  Try to accomplish this task before making any new purchases.  It allows you to take an inventory of what you own.  This will also point out what wardrobe basics you may be lacking help you justify that new piece you have been eyeing.  Shopping with intention.  Need vs want.  I can definitely say I own enough leopard print!  This winter, my gap is with basics.  I will be hunting for warm layering pieces, possibly a new loafer, one seriously functional warm rain coat, and I’m sure a few little gems.

Here are few closet basics that can help you during your closet refresh.

Sweater bags are the best way that I have found to store sweaters.  The zip closure will keep out the moths and dust.  PEVA sweater bags have been my saving grace to preserve my favorite sweaters.  They also keep them neat and visible with the clear packaging.

These slim Huggable Hangers from Joy Mangano are non slip which will prevent your silks from hitting the floor.

The Sweater Stone can make a little mess but is sweater friendly when it comes to removing the pills from your favorite pieces.  I have also read good reviews on the Conair Fabric Defuzzer-Shaver.

The Laundress offers everything when it comes to taking care of your laundry.  I will be trying out their Wool & Cashmere Shampoo for an alternative to dry cleaning.

Wool Dryer Balls are another new one for me.  They are 100% pure New Zealand wool promising to reduce drying time, lessen static, and eco-friendly.  Lasts for 1,000 loads (wow imagine if you tallied how many washings you do?!). You can also add natural oils to the balls for a lovely added scent to your laundry. (gotta admit this is a funny thought!)

BTW I don’t bother organizing my workout drawer.  Nice to have that one drawer you just don’t fuss over.  Happy sorting folks!