A New Novel For Your Book Club

A last minute text from a friend had me sitting at Gish Jen’s book launch last night. Gish is a local Cambridge author and has launched all her books at The Harvard Book Store. Gish had me with “Don’t like it, Don’t read it!” She has reached a point in her life where she is taking risks and not worrying about what the critics will say.

A novel born out of Trump winning. As someone in the crowd said “we can now thank him for one thing!” The Resisters is about a family set in the future known as AutoAmerica with a big brother that is part artificial intelligence, part internet, and part human. There are two classes, the Surplus and the Netted. Technology is becoming part of our life more than we may like to accept and certainly more than we know. It is everywhere and we can not escape it. Gish confronts the worries we have as a parent, as a citizen, and everything we feel in the air. It is all this, as well as a baseball novel about Gwen, a talented female pitcher from the Surplus with a golden arm who is recruited for the Olympics to face ChinRussia.

I’m looking forward to diving into The Resisters! I am told it is unsettling, loving, and funny. It is dystopian and utopian. It is now! I hope you are curious enough to check out Gish Jen. She is a gem of a lady!