Greta Thunberg, You Are A Leader, An Inspiration, Thank you!

Who I am following and I am in awe of her!

Greta Thunberg, a sixteen year old Swedish climate activist with a mission to bring awareness globally. She is nothing short of inspiring. A young girl that will pull at your heart strings and make you want to do better. Her impact is global and is inspiring our youth. I love the way she speaks and how she has the ability to be blunt and respectful in the same breath. So composed and confident. Greta is determined, empowered, and showing the world that you can not sit back and just talk about it. We need action! Like Greta says, “All we have to do is wake up and change.”

She believes the one small step everyone can do now is to read and educate themselves to understand the emergency of the climate and ecological crisis. The reports are fact based not opinion.

Greta has started a movement called Fridays For Future.