The Tata Harper Glow

Exploring a new option for a winter face cream. I believe you need to change your skin care like you change your workouts. Your body gets used to a routine and you stop seeing changes. Tata Harper, a Vermont based company, has been on my radar. All of their products are 100% organic, made on their farm, free from synthetic chemicals, artificial fragrances, toxins, GMO, and artificial colors. Prices do reflect their commitment to producing a complex luxurious skin care line using high quality natural ingredients sourced from around the world. A small amount goes a long way.

So far my face has been drinking up the cream. The cream feels and smells lovely when applying and leaves a healthy glow. Tata Harper seems to be a nice addition to my over all self-care goal. Skin care is personal and complicated. I am currently trying to achieve a daily skin care routine that works and doesn’t take up my whole morning. Tata Harper understands how complex the skin is and that as we age our skin is on the same journey. A multitude of factors determine our current skin state. We do know that our lifestyle, diet, and what we put on our skin matters. You have to find what works best for you but I think this line is worth exploring.