Make Time For Granola

Homemade GranolaHomemade Granola

For your Sunday!  Granola sampling for the perfect mix of grains, nuts, minimal fruit, and not too sweet that everyone likes has been an expensive challenge of mine.  A small bag can cost a small fortune and be gobbled up in an instant.  The grocery store has shelves filled with every type of granola imaginable. Every yummy bakery in town is offering their speciality.  Granola is a funny one because it can be totally healthy but with no flavor or it can be like a bag of candy.  You have to pay attention to the ingredients.  Sugar is super sneaky.  You can get distracted by the healthiness of the whole grain oats.

Finally after all this time and yet to find that perfect combination of ingredients, homemade granola it is.  I worked with two recipes and found my sweet spot.  First of all granola (now that I have made it) is ridiculously easy.  I mean embarrassingly easy.  The easiest breakfast cereal to whip up and customize to your liking.  Be fussy, be basic, be elaborate with your ingredients.  It is up to you.  Load up at the market with your granola basics for a well stocked pantry.

This is the recipe I am using.  Do more or less with spices.  Nuts are personal preference as well as fruit.  If adding fruit, be sure to add the dried fruit after the granola has cooked!!


4 cups of old fashion Rolled Oats ( I used Bob’s Red Mill)

1 cup of maple syrup (you can play with this if you would like it less sweet but I thought it was right amount)

1/2 cup virgin olive oil

1 tsp salt (optional)

2 tablespoons of cinnamon (I love cinnamon but others in my house prefer less)

sprinkle of cardamom (again optional)

1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped pecans

1 cup flaked coconut

1 cup raw organic sunflower seeds

Heat oven to 325. Toss all ingredients together in a bowl.  Mix till everything is coated.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread out granola evenly on to the tray.  Pop into oven and bake for about 40 minutes till golden brown.  Stir it every 10 minutes or so.  When done, let it sit out till cool.  Add your dried fruits at this stage if you so wish.

isostilo is about all good things.  It is not always about fashion.  Sometimes it is the small things that can put a smile on your face.  I really enjoy being in the kitchen.  With the transition into fall, I find it to be a welcoming time to explore new recipes.  Granola is one of those!  After you make it you will feel like a baking goddess and your home will smell lovely:)