A Peek Into My isostilo Style

Style is whatever you make it.  I have always been interested in following fashion in my spare time via insta, Flipboard, Pintrest, and magazines.  I enjoy sitting in cafes to watch the city style pass me by.  I love when someone is rocking their own style.  It is not about what is on trend or what bag your sporting but more importantly being an individual and what inspires you.

Currently, I am having fun with functional winter pieces.  It is still winter ladies (hopefully not for long)!  I am totally digging track pants, black turtlenecks, boots, and my beanies (sounds a bit boring).  My every day life is moving around the city and running around with my son.   A lot of what I wear seems to be pieces that I have collected over the years (which makes me happy).

At the end of the day, I am a casual gal kicking it in streetwear.  Loving that jeans are the norm and I can alternate them with track pants.  Currently I have a couple jeans that seem to be in heavy rotation.  One being a black mid rise, fitted jean from Madewell, and the other a Simon Miller, high rise, wide bottom leg.  I call those gems my man repellers (brilliant name by the way and I love the site of the true Man Repeller).  I typically pair any bottom with an easy knit or sweatshirt and occasionally layer on a blazer.   Along with one of my favorite kicks or my Hope or Church’s boots depending on my day.  Throw on a coat that suits the weather and top it off with a beanie.  Easy Peasy and out the door.

Black on Black
Street Boot from Hope
Basic Style
Basic uniform with some edge: high rise denim, black Zara sweater, black boot, and Jennifer Meyer x Barneys coat.
Beanie & Sweatshirt (pretty much my winter uniform)
My Man Repeller jeans and I love them!
Street Attire
Now A Vintage A.P.C. jacket (scored 6 or 7 years ago).  Hands down my favorite go to jacket.
The Boot
Everyday Look
Heavy rotation on the adidas track pants. Worn with black turtleneck, vans or low heels.
Everyday! The beanie that never comes off and the sweatshirt that I cherish.

Why the beanie love:  I love the warmth, love to hide my bad hair, love the look, and love to sport it around the house:) Either my black Acne beanie or my son’s Vans beanie.  As one has seen on most of my insta pics this season.